Dr n. med. Grzegorz Kiwic
Scanmed Sport Sp. z o.o.
Pokaż opis
1999 – Tytuł: Doktor nauk medycznych na Katedrze Anatomii SUM w Katowicach, rozprawa wyróżniona
1997 – Tytuł: Specjalista Neurochirurg, egzamin zdany z wyróżnieniem
1991 – Dyplom: Lekarz medycyny, SUM w Katowicach
2018 – nadal, Asystent Kliniki Chirurgii Endoskopowej Sp. z o.o.
2002 – nadal, Asystent Oddziału Neurochirurgii w WSS Nr 2 w Jastrzębiu-Zdroju
2002 – nadal, Konsultant Neurochirurg w WSS Nr 3 w Rybniku
2000 – 2002 – Stypendysta / Fellowship Department of Neurological Surgery OHSU, OR USA
1991 – 1997 – Rezydent w Oddziale Neurochirurgii WSS Nr 2 w Jastrzębiu-Zdroju
1986 – 1991 – Asystent Katedry Anatomii Prawidłowej SUM w Katowicach
Polskie Towarzystwo Neurochirurgiczne (PTNCH)
Polskie Towarzystwo Chirurgii Kręgosłupa (PTChK)
Europejskie Towarzystwo Neurochirurgii (EANS)
AO Spine
Congress of Neurological Surgeons (CNS)
International Neuromodulation Society (INS)
Master Class of Spine Tumours, Wroclaw
Summer University, Madrid
INS World Congress, Edinburgh
CNS, San Diego, CA
INS World Congress, Montreal
Intensive Training Course, Full-Endoscopic Operation of Lumbar Spine, Knittlingen
Clinical Consultation, Full-Endoscopic Operation of Lumbar Spine, Knittlingen
Spine Academy, Katowice
AOSpine Advanced Course, Anterior Spine Surgery, Innsbruck
Advance Course of Chronic Pain Management, Barcelona
International Spine Symposium, Brussels
AOSpine Advanced Symposium, Metastases and Infections, Bologna
ECMT Advanced Neuromodulation Therapies, Brussels
Complication in Lumbar Spine Surgery, Brussels
Summer University, Rome
Sagittal Balance Master Course, Geneva
Cervical Advanced Course, Davos
Summer University, Paris
Spine Executive Class, Munich /granted for the best presentation
Total Cervical Spine Solution, Leiden
Summer University, Barcelona
Surgeon Training Program of Kyphoplasty, Leiden
AOSpine & Live Tissue Training, Strasbourg
AOSpine Masters Course, Thessaloniki
Training Course in Percutaneous Spine Procedures, Freiburg
Eurospine, Brussels
International Conference of Pain Society, Kraków
Eurospine, Istanbul
International Symposium on Microneurosurgical Anatomy, Antalya
Cervical and Lumbar Spine Arthroplasty Course, Straubing
International Conference of Anaesthesiology and Pain Medicine, Książ
AOSpine Degenerative Lumbar Spine Course, Davos
Ocena skuteczności oraz ryzyka powikłań „bezramowej” biopsji stereotaktycznej guzów mózgu opartej na neuronawigacji i badaniu MRI. Chodakowski P., Kapustka B., Marcol W., Kiwic G., Wysokiński T. Ann.Acad.MedSiles 2016; Vol.70: 122-126
Validation and cross-cultural adaptation of the Polish version of the Oswestry Disability Index. Miekisiak G., Kollataj M., Dobrogowski J., Kloc W., Libionka W., Banach M., Latka D., Sobolewski T., Sulewski A., Nowakowski A., Kiwic G., Pala A., Potaczek T., Gierlotka M. Spine 2013 : Vol. 38:237-243.
Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the Polish version of the core outcome measures index for low back pain. Miekisiak G., Kollataj M., Dobrogowski J., Kloc W., Libionka W., Banach M., Latka D., Sobolewski T., Sulewski A., Nowakowski A., Kiwic G., Pala A., Potaczek T., Gierlotka M. Eur. Spine J. 2013 : Vol. 22:995-1001.
Pineal parenchymal tumors: diagnostics and prognosis. Marcol W., Mandera M., Lewin-Kowalik M., Malinowska I., Kiwic G. Tumors of the central nervous system. Vol. 10: Pineal pituitary and spinal tumors. Ed.: M.A. Hayat. Dordrecht: Sprunger, 2013.
Paraganglioma of the cauda equine with erectile and sphincter dysfunction. Marcol W., Kiwic G., M-Kolodziej I., Kotulska K., Kotas A., Adamek D., Wysokiński T., J Chin Med. Assos 2009 Jun;72(6):328-331
Trafficking of superparamagnetic iron oxide particles (combidex) from brain to lymph nodes in the rat. Muldoon L.L., Varallyay P., Kreamer D., Kiwic G., Pinkston K., W-Rosenfeld S., Neuwelt EA Neuropath Appl Neurobiol. 2004 Feb;30(1):70-9
Letter concerning the paper of Z.Mariak published in Polish Neurology-Neurosurgery 1999, vol.33,No3,p.665. Kiwic G., Slusarczyk K., Neurol Neurochir Pol 2000 Jan-Feb;34(1):197-8
Type I Chiari malformation coexisting with syringomyelia: pathologies,treatment choice and prognostic factors for remote outcome. Wysokinski T., Kiwic G. Neurol Neurochir Pol.1998 Nov-Dec;32(6):1571-82.
The Central Nervous System and the Lymphatic System. Lymphatic drainage of cerebrospinal fluid. Kiwic G., Slusarczyk K., Slusarczyk R., Neurol Neurochir Pol.1998 May-Jun;32(3):633-41
Lymphatic outflow of the cerebrospinal fluid in rats. Slusarczyk K., Slusarczyk R., Kiwic G., Folia Morphol (Wars).1996:55(4):453-4
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Вул. Банкова 2
44-240 Жори